or as Pooh would say:
As I was walking The Little Squirrel to school today our umbrellas were whipped about and turned inside out.
The Little Squirrel hanging on to her umbrella looked like Piglet at the end of his scarf in the above video clip!
A friend and I were repeating the worn out saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" the other day when I hastened to add that my "lambs" in life tend to act more like billy goats!
Well, knowing how my mind likes to wander around until it finds something totally useless to dwell upon I naturally struck upon this little nugget.
And then THAT lead to this little jewel.
You see, even when I get off subject somehow I jump back on the train.
"Wait! WHAT?! What train are you TALKING about Suzanna?" -that's my mother trying to rein me in...it's not going to work, it hasn't for 45 years, why would it now?
Well, I started talking about Windsday.
A Blustery Day.
Pooh and going to school...
Getting carried away on the prevailing winds....
March lambs, who are in fact SHEEP.
Yes, yes, yes! I DID turn Winnie the Pooh's Windsday into a socio- political commentary about being mindful not to let preconceived notions turn you into SHEEPLE!
Got ya didn't I?
And you were beginning to think I was just a cottonheaded ninnymuggins.
HA! Goes to show YOU!
So, what is my point today?
Just don't believe all the pooh you hear, don't get carried away from things that SEEM to be stronger than you, and its OK to have a billy goat attitude if that's who you were born to be.
As I marched my Little Squirrel off to public school this morning I had to fill up my "Mommy the Cheer Leader" gas tank of positive thoughts to spew forth onto my child.
You see, I-Step testing / Common Core testing is going on this week at public schools all over Indiana.
Although my daughter excels academically, she is constantly worried - AT SEVEN YEARS OLD!- about measuring up in all arenas at school.
What happened to just learning?
The messages of the institution of public school is almost stronger than my values that I have tried to instill in my children.
I am tired of the expectation that our children need to be elves in the public school's workshop to produce identical, homogenized, sterilized thoughts and actions.
Our children are HUMANS, not ELVES.
I remember my paternal grandmother getting furious when someone referred to her offspring as her "kids."
"They are CHILDREN, not GOATS!" Grannie Katie would say.
Well Grannie, I would rather my children to more resemble billy goats than sheep, in their actions at least.
(I do not think my daughter would look particularly good in a goatee.)
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